Members Of Police Service Commission Receive Instruments of Appointment

All five members of the Police Service Commission took their oaths of office on Tuesday at President’s House.

The new members were nominated by President Paula-Mae Weekes between October 13th and October 29th, 2021. This, after the former Police Service Commission collapsed, with members resigning after a controversy surrounding the suspension of former Commissioner of Police, Gary Griffith.

At the ceremony, they swore before the President to bear true faith and allegiance to Trinidad and Tobago and to uphold the Constitution and the law without fear or favour, affection or ill-will.

Retired Justice of Appeal Judith Jones was appointed Chairman, while the other four members are Ms. Maxine Attong, Mr. Ian Kevin Ramdhanie, Ms. Maxine King and Mr. Rajiv Persad. Their nominations were approved by the Parliament on November 10th without support from the Opposition.

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