MOH Reminds The Public To Take Precautions Against High Temperatures

In light of rising temperatures across Trinidad and Tobago, the Ministry of Health is reminding that very heated conditions can be dangerous and advises the population to take the necessary precautions to safeguard their health.

On Sunday, Piarco reached 34.7 degrees Celsius – the highest temperature recorded for the year.

In a release on Monday, the Ministry of Health encouraged the public to stay hydrated by eating fruits and vegetables, drinking at least 8 to 10 glasses of water daily, and avoiding drinks with caffeine and alcohol.

The Ministry is also advising people to protect themselves from the heat by avoiding strenuous exercise during the hottest times of the day, usually 10am to 3pm, staying indoors or in shaded areas, and wearing loose-fitting, lightweight, light-coloured clothing.

The Ministry warns that high temperatures can lead to heat stroke. Symptoms include high body temperature, 39 degrees Celsius or higher, tiredness, and headaches.

During hot weather, people are reminded to check on family, particularly the elderly and children, as very
high temperatures can be dangerous to one’s health.

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