One Outstanding Issue To Be Settled In PSC/Gary Griffith Matter

There is still one issue to be resolved between Gary Griffith and the Police Service Commission over his suspension as Acting Police Commissioner.

Attorneys representing Mr. Griffith said on Monday that until the matter is addressed, Mr. Griffith is prepared to pursue his application for Judicial Review against the PSC in the court.

During a virtual hearing on Monday, Mr. Griffith’s Lead Counsel, Ramesh Lawrence Maharaj, and Attorneys representing the PSC informed Justice Nadia Kangaloo of a settlement between both parties.

However, the Senior Counsel told the court the matter was not fully settled as one item remains unresolved. Mr. Maharaj said his client was entitled to seek a declaration from the court that his September 17th suspension was unlawful.

TTT News understands that Mr. Griffith and the PSC were engaged in negotiations on the weekend after the PSC rescinded the notice of suspension.

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