Secondary Schools Water Polo Tournament

Action in the Secondary Schools Water Polo Tournament continued over the weekend at the National Aquatic Centre and the Diego Martin Community Pool.

In the Form 1 Male Category, Queen’s Royal College trounced Combined team 17-2, and St. Mary’s College defeated Fatima 11-6.

The Form 1 Female Category saw Bishop’s Anstey Port of Spain take a close win over Holy Name Convent 5-3, while in the Open Female category, Bishop’s had a 10-9 win over St. Joseph Convent Port of Spain.

Fatima got victory over QRC in the Male under 14s 11-8, while the Open Male saw QRC flip the tables against Fatima 14-7.

At the close, QRC took first with 12 points while Fatima College settled for second on 9 points. St Joseph’s Convent Port of Spain was first in the Form 1 girls on 12 points, and Bishop’s Anstey second with 7 points.

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