Health Check – The Role Of Midwives

Many people choose to use a midwife to guide the pregnancy process during home births. Others…

Health Check – Children’s Eye Care

In this week’s Health Check, Karma Ballah speaks to a Specialist who offers advice to parents…

Health Check – Diabetic Wound Care

Minor cuts, scratches, and blisters are normal side effects of an active life. If your body’s…

Health Check – Dialysis Explained

When the kidneys can no longer take care of the body’s needs, dialysis is the treatment…

Health Check – Breastfeeding Myths

This week’s Health Check is geared towards debunking breastfeeding myths. Karma Ballah speaks to a lactation…

Health Check – The Benefits Of A Gluten Free Diet

The term ‘gluten-free’ has been bandied about quite often within recent times, but what exactly is…

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