UNC Loses Election Petition In Arima Northeast

The election petition filed against the Elections and Boundaries Commission (EBC) relating to the Electoral District…

EBC: UNC Candidate Wins Arima Northeast After Recount

The tie in the Electoral District of Arima Northeast is broken. The Election and Boundaries Commission…

Three Recounts Completed

Three of the fourteen recounts in Monday’s Local Government Elections have been completed. The Election and…

Margin To Victory – Enterprise South/Longdenville North

The electoral district of Enterprise South/Longdenville North comprise an electorate of over nine thousand registered voters.…

Prime Minister Rowley : “Elections Are Important”

Political Leader of the People's National Movement, Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley is calling on all…

Margin To Victory – Mayaro North

The electoral district of Mayaro North is one of the new districts created by the Elections…

PNM Wins Arima Northeast

A recount of the Arima Northeast Electoral District has resulted in an overturn of the outcome.…

Margin To Victory – Caura/Paradise/Tacarigua

Considered a marginal seat, Caura/Paradise/Tacarigua has changed hands over the past few years among the two…

T&TEC To Activate Emergency Hotlines Ahead Of Local Government Elections On Monday

The Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission (T&TEC) will activate additional emergency hotlines on Monday August 14th,…

Margin To Victory – Sangre Grande North West

The Sangre Grande Regional Corporation is one that has been keenly-contested in past Local Government Elections,…

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