No Compromise On Security For Carnival

National Security Minister Fitzgerald Hinds is not concerned that security may be compromised for the Carnival…

Regional Cyber Crime Security Workshop

There were dozens of successful cyber attacks in Trinidad and Tobago during the last year, according…

107 Traffic Wardens Graduate

Out of 1,400 applicants, 107 were chosen to become Traffic Wardens. After months of vigorous, demanding…

Sheltering Human Trafficking Victims

Addressing the issue of human trafficking will require prevention, prosecution, and protection, according to National Security…

Ghost Gang Voice Note

A threatening voice note that has been viewed and shared on popular social media site TikTok…

Minister Hinds Meets With Carnival Stakeholders

With Carnival 2024 mere weeks away, Minister of National Security Fitzgerald Hinds says the safety and…

Focus On TTPS Northern Division

The Northern Division is the most violent Police Division in the country. That is the acknowledgement…

National Security Minister Tells TTPS: Win The Public’s Trust And Confidence

You must regain the trust of the public. This is the message the Minister of National…

Expect Better Border Protection

Trinidad and Tobago can expect better protection of its borders. That is the assurance given by…

National Security Minister Denounces Gang Culture

After yesterday’s daylight attack along the Churchill Roosevelt Highway which left three men and an innocent…

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